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About us
През лятото на 1991 година, електроинженера Павел Павлов и неговите синове, създават „Павел и синове“ ООД. Поставят си цел да предоставят висококачествени електроинженерни услуги. Съчетавайки своите знания и опит в областта на електротехниката, те решават да се специализират в изработката на електрически табла и строително-монтажни дейности.
През 1995 година „Павел и синове“ ООД разширява своите дейности, включвайки в каталога си с услуги и доставката на трансформатори. Този ход допринася за утвърждаването на компанията като първокласен доставчик на електротехническо оборудване.
Със значителния ръст на енергийния сектор и необходимостта от надеждни трансформаторни подстанции, „Павел и синове“ООД през началото на 2000-те години разшири дейностите си и започна производството на бетонни комплексни трансформаторни подстанции. Този стратегически ход им позволи да предоставят комплексни решения за енергийната инфраструктура, отговарящи на всички стандарти за сигурност и ефективност.
Компанията сменя името си от „Павел и синове“ ООД на „ПС ЕЛЕКТРИК“ ООД и се ре-брандира.
Today, more than three decades after its establishment, the company has numerous successful projects and long-standing relationships with clients who value its professionalism and the quality of its services.

Our mission
Our Mission Our mission is to improve energy efficiency in Bulgaria by assisting our clients in creating and enhancing suitable levels of process automation according to their goals and needs. Through our individual approach to each requirement, we build long-term relationships based on successful experiences and mutual respect. We believe in P2P (People-to-People) – working with people for people.
Our vision
Our Vision As a family-owned company with professional management, where two generations of founders currently work, we ensure sustainable development for the next generations of highly specialized experts in the fields of engineering and energy. For over 20 years, we have been implementing some of the most innovative, modern, and flexible business solutions from the global market with the best price-to-quality ratio.
Why Choose Us?
We are a team that believes in what it does. We evolve as a reliable partner to our clients, bringing innovative products from the global market, offering comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective solutions suitable for the conditions and needs of the Bulgarian energy industry.
Our products feature unique and effective technical solutions, many of which are patent-protected.
We provide warranty and post-warranty support, repair, and modernization of the offered products.
A team of highly qualified specialists – engineers, designers, consultants.
To improve and maintain consistency in the quality of the services and products offered, we have established and implemented a quality management system.
We work according to established standards and are certified according to ISO 9001:2015, with the scope of certification "Production of electrical panels, complete transformer substations, and facilities for the energy sector."
We have a modern and well-equipped production base in Shumen. This helps us offer the most accurate, profitable, and efficient technological solutions to our clients and partners.
The company also holds a Certificate from the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria certifying its registration in the Central Professional Register of Builders for the execution of construction works with the following scope:
- Third group – constructions from the energy infrastructure;
- Constructions from the first to the third category.
Our clients and partners include companies in electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, firms engaged in electrical installation, construction, and trading activities. We are in constant collaboration with foreign investors and general contractors of landmark projects, commercial enterprises, public associations, and Bulgarian investors from small and medium-sized businesses.